Oregon Metro Emerging Technology Implementation Strategy
Oregon Metro
The Oregon Metro Emerging Technology Implementation Strategy proposes implementation actions to support Metro’s regional goals and its Emerging Technology Strategy. The actions encompass projects, policies, and programs centered around new mobility that can be implemented at either the local level in support of regional goals or at the regional level in coordination with local partners.
I was the research lead/project manager for the strategy. For the report, I contributed in the following ways:
Developed case studies in areas including microtransit, equity outcomes in ridehailing, access to mobility technologies at sites most accessible to low-income communities, coordinated regulations for mobility technologies, digital equity in transportation, coordinated procurement of new mobility services, and data collection and sharing regulations for mobility technologies
Analyzed impacts of proposed programs to Metro resources and proposed implementation opportunities and pathways
Developed lessons learned for Metro in areas such as communications/public engagement, data management, governance, partnerships, strategic planning, social equity, and user experience
The implementation strategy is being considered by Metro to be integrated into its existing Emerging Technology Strategy.